Clubs – USAV Member Management System

Your starting point for assistance for the USAV Member Management System!

On Sept. 1, 2020, USA Volleyball and the Regions moved to SportsEngine as the developer and home to the USAV Member Management System (MMS). This page has been updated with information that you need to know as a Club Administrator to run your club in the USA Volleyball MMS.

All clubs will have access to, and must use, SportsEngine HQ to manage their clubs for the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball season. All clubs receive access to the free HQ version. They can upgrade to the premium version if they choose, BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED.  NEW clubs that do not have an HQ yet, will need to register their club with the Carolina Region first.  Once they register, SE will be notified and they will create an HQ for the club within 1-3 business days.  Existing clubs will need to register annually as well (at link above), but they will continue to use their same HQ each season.

SportsEngine has done a great job with producing help videos and documentation for all the activities you will do in the system. They also have help/support available while in your account.  See below for the links to their resources. Be sure to add the Region office as an Admin per the instructions below so we can help you as needed to get up and going with this system.

NOTE:  If you as a Club need help inside the SE system, please use the “Need Help” blue box on right side of the screen inside your Club HQ page.  There you will have access to the SE Help system and can send a message to SE Support.  If you have a club member that is having trouble with their SE Account: (a) See the “Fixing Incorrect SE Account Set Up” document at right; (b) if they still need help, they need to send an email to SE Support ( and include all pertinent information (member name, member email, summary of issue, club name if relevant).  Please do not contact SE Support about Region membership questions.  They will direct you to the Region office for those type questions.



Clubs will have the ability to designate administrators within their SportsEngine HQ to help manage memberships and rosters (similar to the “Club Admin” functionality in Webpoint). All administrators in the USAV MMS must be USAV members, background screened, and SafeSport certified. The system now assigns a USAV Administrator “category” to anyone assigned with this role.  Individuals will need to complete all requirements before they will be able to access USAV data.

You must also provide the Carolina Region with Organization access to your club. Instructions on completing this step is at the right.


Individuals will need to purchase a membership from the region website. In order to begin the purchase process, he/she will need to create a free SportsEngine account or login to their existing SportsEngine account (they may have one through other sports organizations that use SportsEngine). Click here for an overview of this process!

SportsEngine allows for family accounts, so the account holder should be an adult and children can each have their own profile in the family account. This means one login per family!

Clubs are able to purchase membership on behalf of their staff and coaches within the system.  When you purchase the membership “on behalf of” (OBO) your staff, they will receive an email and will need to create or login to their SE account to accept the membership and any other waivers/requirements of the membership.  Clubs should NOT purchase memberships for PLAYERS.  Please direct the families to our registration page directly for purchase.


The USAV MMS is integrated with AES. Rosters that are created in the USAV MMS can be pulled into AES as a default roster. You can then use that default roster to register for USAV events in AES.


While not all data from the Webpoint system will be migrated over to the new MMS, the most important pieces of information will be. When purchasing a membership, the system will look to match the name, DOB, and zip code with a membership record from Webpoint and if a match is found, data migration will happen automatically

Please encourage your athletes, coaches and staff to use the same name, DOB and zip code when purchasing a membership in the new system. This is especially important for adults who have current credentials (background screen, SafeSport, IMPACT, etc.) to ensure those migrate into the new system.

The Carolina Region will also back up data from Webpoint (such as roster information, team selections, etc) and keep it on file in a secure location. Regions will have a process to retrieve credentials manually if needed.


All individuals will have an eligibility status. An individual who has met all requirements will appear as eligible. Once a membership is purchased, that individual will receive an eligibility email outlining all requirements they still need to meet and will clearly see in their account that there are remaining requirements to be met.



Background screenings will be a separate purchase, completed after your membership purchase. By hitting the link “complete screening” from the email or account, the member will be directed to complete the background screening. Background screening is $14 annually and there will be a supplemental screen in season two for $14 as well. Please note this cost is not paid to the Carolina Region any longer and the Carolina Region does not collect any money from background screen charges.


Grant Carolina Region USA Volleyball Manager Access

With the move to the MMS with SportsEngine, there are many things that will be different than in season’s past with regards to our database.  Many things that we were able to do in the past are not available with the initial roll-out of the product.  For this reason, we are asking all clubs to grant the Region USA Volleyball Manager access so we can help you with common membership requests.  We will only use as needed to aid with your USAV membership affiliation.  To grant access:

  • In your HQ, click on “Members” then “Directory.”
  • You will see sub-menus under the Directory: “People”, “Groups and Rosters”, and “Admins”.  Click the “Admins” link.
  • In the upper right, you will see the “Add Person” button.  Click and then add the following:  First Name – Carolina;  Last Name – Region Staff;  E-Mail –
  • Click the “yes, grant access” radio button.
  • Go down to the Additional Permissions section.  Check the box for USA Volleyball Access.  In the drop-down, choose “Manage”.  You can add us as “Other” in the Role section if you want.
  • Click the “Save” button and we will be sent an email to connect with your club as a USAV Manager.  This will allow us to help with team and roster functions easier if you need it.


The member directory is a free tool your club has access to within SE HQ. Although the name is tricky, this area isn’t just for individuals with a purchased membership. This area is more like a phone book of individuals that have interacted with your club. If you use any of SE’s other tools, you may have individuals already in your directory (ex: you use SE registration tools or a SE website).

Individuals can be added to your member directory manually by entering information on an individual or through a file upload. Individuals will need to be in your directory before you can complete roster tasks.

You can also use the directory to create groups of people and easily message them from the system!

IMPORTANT: Adding a person to your DIRECTORY is not the same as Associating a member with your club for the season.  That is a different process (below).  A club can have someone in their directory that is not a current USAV member and not associated with the club for the current season.


When a membership is purchased, an individual member will not have the option of associating with a club. Instead, the club must send an association request to the individual who must accept. SE has improved the invite process.  You may now use the Public Club Assignment link to send an invite to any email address.  Your players do not need to be in your Directory now in order to receive the link.  Once they click the link and purchase a membership, they will be affiliated with your club for the season.  PLEASE only send a Public Club Assignment link to athletes that have officially committed to your club already with the CR Letter of Commitment form.


The process of purchasing memberships will look a little different. For individuals that want to purchase a membership outside of an invite from a club, they will go to the Carolina Region website and click on the “Online Registration” link under the Register Menu.   They will then click the quizzard button to select the applicable membership they need for the season.

When an applicant gets to the checkout page with any membership purchase, they will see two “transactions” that equal the total membership price. One transaction represents the fees going to the Carolina Region, and the other represents the fees going to USA Volleyball. This is different than in the past. Don’t be confused. They will still be charged the same amount – they’re just going to see an itemized breakdown. They will also see two separate charges (totaling the amount of your membership) on a credit card statement.

After a membership is purchased, they will receive an email outlining the additional steps necessary to become eligible to participate. This can include a background screening, SafeSport certification, etc. Their account will also show these steps.


By hitting the link “complete Safesport” from the email or account, the member will be directed to complete Safesport training. The system will automatically load the correct course (SafeSport Core vs. Refresher)

Juniors who are 18, or who will turn 18 during the season, will be able to select a membership with SafeSport training as a requirement (18’s player). They will receive the link to complete SafeSport in their eligibility email or access it from their account.


USA Volleyball will be utilizing a new learning management system (LMS) this season as well. Users will access the LMS through their SportsEngine account to complete necessary coursework (ex: junior officials or scorekeeper training). The registration process for completing this coursework is streamlined for ease of use.