Frequently Asked Questions

This section will be updated during the season as questions arise. Please check here first for the answers to your questions. NOTE: Information below may have been summarized, rephrased to suit this FAQ section, or updated based on current season conditions and questions to aid in the information disclosure. Refer to the 2024 Operating Code for the approved Carolina Region policies and procedures. If there are any discrepancies not accounted for by in-season adjustments (i.e. for weather cancellations, etc), the 2024 Operating Code will be the final text for all policies.

[Registration] [Membership] [Clubs] [General] [Juniors] [Adults] [Coaching] [SafeSport] [Clinics] [Tournament] [Board of Directors]

Registration Questions:

The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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Membership Questions:

The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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General Questions:

The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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Tournament Questions:

The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments
  •  Regional Championship Event Questions:

The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments
  • National Bid Tournament Questions:

The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

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 Board of Directors Questions:

The process the Carolina Region uses to award our region bids to the USA Volleyball National Championships will be based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.

Teams will need to submit an application to be considered for a bid by their applicable deadline:

  • 18’s teams – March 17, 2025 deadline
  • 11’s – 17’s teams – April 28, 2025 deadline

All teams that submit an application by the deadline will be ranked based on the Carolina Region Regional Bid Ranking System.  Bids will be awarded to the highest ranked teams.

To be eligible to considered for a Region bid in their age group, a junior team must meet the following: (a) Participating teams must be a registered Carolina Region team; and (b) teams must have played in ONE (1) Carolina Region sanctioned event.

Teams awarded a bid must follow the USAV JNC entry procedures and submit all JNC entry forms and JNC entry fee to USA Volleyball by the applicable deadline.  Carolina Region bids to the USAV JNC are primarily for ELITE Carolina Region teams that are committed to going to the USAV Junior National Championships if they earn a Region bid. NOTE: Should a team be offered a Region bid based on their placement in the Region Bid Ranking system and choose not to accept the bid, the club will need to pay a sanction fee of $500 to be eligible to participate in the Region Bid Ranking System in a future season. This process is for committed teams only that want to attend the USAV JNC.

Category: National Bid trns
No!  Teams must be registered (marked as PAID) in the Member Management System and in our Tournament System before they are permitted to submit a tournament entry (as all tournament entries are begun in the Tournament System now).  As tournament entry deadlines are TWO weeks before the tournament date, we recommend Clubs register their teams at least three weeks before the Tournament to allow for time to process the team registrations and tournament Entries.  See this season’s Team Registration Packet for information on how to register teams.
Category: Tournaments

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Yes!  USA Volleyball rules do not prohibit the teamname, sponsors, or player’s names on jerseys.  The uniform number must be clearly visible and not impacted by any other item on the jersey.  All jerseys must be identical, so if one jersey has a logo/sponsor/teamname then all jerseys must have them and in the same location.  Player names will be unique but must be in same location on the jersey.

Category: Tournaments

Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission).  The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams.  The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable.  This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams. 

The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older.  All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.

We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission.  But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.

NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting.  The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.

We have added additional information in the Tournament System to help teams understand their eligibility requirements as well as their spot in the entry process.  For regular season tournaments, teams listed in RED may be in danger of not getting into the tournament. The system looks at the total number of entries, total courts available in each region (East or West), and the minimum number of teams needed for a pool (3). Using these criteria, the system will list teams in RED that we cannot currently accommodate (based on date of entry).  There is also a brief description next to the team about their status.  Keep in mind that we will still move teams into other realms (East or West) or age groups where feasible to accommodate as many teams as possible, so all teams in red will not necessarily be eliminated from the tournament.   Any moves will not happen until after the entry deadline passes and we begin to assign sites.  However, if you see that we do not have enough courts (see table at top of page) and your team is in RED, it may help your team and the region if you can find additional courts to host that weekend! Any teams which cannot be accommodated will be put on the waiting list when sites are assigned.

For National Bid and Regional Championship Tournaments, a team listed in RED (which will also include a descriptive text) will indicate whether the team meets the minimum required number of tournaments to be eligible for that tournament.  A team can go to their individual team page in the Tournament Season to see how many qualifying tournaments they are credited with.  Once they meet the minimum requirement, their status on the tournament entry page for Regional Championship tournaments will then be updated.

There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment.  Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match.  If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court.  Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc.  The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment.  And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.

We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport.  Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments.  As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned.  Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.

All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events.  Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event.  Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors.  Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments
If a tournament that is eligible to be used as a qualifying tournament for the National Bid tournament is cancelled, then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in the National Bid tournament reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one. There will be no limit to the number of times a team may have their requirement lowered if their schedule is affected by cancelled tournaments.
Category: Tournaments

As soon as you know you cannot make a tournament, please notify the Region Office in writing (an email is preferred). If you are pulling out as late as Friday before the tournament, please notify the Tournament Director (“Contact” on the schedules) if you do not receive a prompt confirmation from the Region.  JUNIORS – If you pull out of a tournament more than 2 weeks before the tournament, you will receive a full credit of entry fees paid to use towards other tournaments (you still need to send an entry in by deadline when using credits). If you pull out 1-2 weeks before the tournament AND the Region can replace you in the tournament, then you will receive a 50% credit. If you pull out less than a week before the tournament, there are no refunds for any reason as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. ADULTS – If you withdraw by the tournament entry deadline, then you will receive a full refund/credit. Withdrawals after the tournament entry deadline cannot be refunded as the Region is committed to paying the Tournament Director that fee at that time. All teams may petition in writing to the Board of Directors for refunds if they so choose. Withdrawals due to inclement weather are covered in the Inclement Weather Policy.

Category: Tournaments

Adults and Juniors – After the deadline for the tournament passes (tournament entry deadlines are now posted on each tournaments page in the Tournament System – select appropriate Program and then click on tournament date to view), teams will be assigned out to their sites in pools. The Tournament System will also have the Facility Address and a Google map to the site.  Teams will not receive mailings from the Tournament Director or Region this season so every team should designate some players/parents to check the Tournament System regularly for updates (it’s a good idea to check even as late as Friday before the tournament as changes do happen during the week!).  Results will be added to the tournament page the Monday or Tuesday following the event.

Category: Tournaments

We will be utilizing the same Tournament System as last season.  The Tournament System will be an online-based system and we will provide a link to it on our website so all teams can see their individual results. This site will also list ALL tournament entries and results during the year, so all teams will have one link to follow to get this information! Teams will be assigned an initial point value to begin the season based on what grouping they choose when registering the team. As teams play each other their point total will adjust based on the result of the sets between the teams. Winning a set against a team with a higher point total than you will raise a team’s point level. Losing a set against a team with a lower point total will cause a team’s point total to lower. Thus, we will get results for all pool play matches and playoffs. The set results for pool and playoffs will be used to update point totals (i.e. additional points for winning a tournament or matches are no longer part of the system). Teams will not lose any points for not playing a tournament. Remember – The Ranking System for Adults and Juniors will ONLY be used to aid in seeding tournaments, assigning teams to sites (Juniors only) and putting tournament pools together [exception – the Ranking System may be used to determine who is eligible for the Regional Championships if there is a lack of facilities for all teams (i.e. only room for 24 Girls’ 14’s East teams then the top 24 eligible Girls’ 14’s East teams by the Ranking System will have first priority into those Regional Championships). All efforts will be made to find enough courts for all teams that enter the Regional Championships by their deadline.] The Ranking System does not recognize “the Region Champion”. That comes on the court at the Regional Championships. All Carolina Region Adult and Junior regular season tournaments will feed into the Ranking System.  We are also able to upload results from CR-sanctioned multi-day tournaments like  Quest, City of Oaks, Carolina Volleyball Classic, and MAPL Raleigh as long as they use AES as their tournament management system).  By design, out-of-Region teams will need to be put into the system in order to have accurate results. We will mark out-of-Region teams with their Region behind their team name so our teams can know to ignore them when ranking teams top to bottom. The Ranking System will not be updated for out-of-Region tournaments. Please go to our Tournament System FAQ for additional answers to common questions about the Tournament System.

Category: Tournaments

9:00 am – All adult and junior tournaments will begin competition promptly at 9:00 am unless the tournament director requests a waiver, in which case all teams will be notified of the new time (this is rare). There will be a Captain’s Meeting at approximately 8:30 am at adult tournaments. The Coaches Meeting will take place at 8:30 am at Junior tournaments. Teams are required to have a representative at this meeting, or they risk missing out on valuable information or even losing a spot in the tournament (also, Junior teams not represented and not calling ahead “may” forfeit their first set of the tournament).

Additional policies for  ADULT competition – Teams that are incomplete for their first assignment (either playing or officiating) may be penalized for their first match by one point per minute late up to a maximum of 25 points. This penalty would be instituted even if the Tournament Director rearranges the schedule to accommodate the late arriving team.

Category: Tournaments

We are usually not able to reschedule tournaments that are cancelled due to weather.  Our tournament schedule (Weekends used) is finalized during May or June of each year.  We generally use every available weekend January through March.  Easter and Qualifiers also affect out schedule in March/April.  So, if we lose a tournament weekend, we do not have another available weekend to move tournaments to.  Teams that have a tournament cancelled will receive a full refund of their entry fee.

Category: Tournaments

NOTE: For all one-day JUNIORS tournaments on our schedule, we will assign teams out to the sites in 4-team pool increments.  Most tournaments will have all 4-team pools and will play the normal 4-team pool format below.  Depending on the total number of entries in an age group, some sites may have a mixture of 3-team pools and 4-team pools.  There is also a special format for 6 teams only in a tournament (below).  In limited cases and with prior approval, we “may” have a 5-team pool if we have 5 teams left over after all sites have been assigned and can put them together into a 2 court site.  In that case, they would play a full round-robin schedule with the amendments listed below.  If a LUNCH break is mentioned, then it is REQUIRED!

THREE-TEAM POOLS: (Juniors – Usually used with at least one other 4-team pool in the tournament.  Occasionally, we have had only a 3-team tournament.  For a 3-team tournament only, then the format will be one round of round-robin play [first three matches below] and then all three teams make a 3-team playoff):
If paired with another 4-team pool, then Top two teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3
30 minute Lunch
1-3 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 3 sets to 25 points rally score.
Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
Seed all teams 1 through 4.

1-3 2
2-4 1
1-4 3
30 minute Lunch
2-3 1
3-4 2
1-2 4

Top 2 teams advance to Finals.
Two sets to 25 points rally score.  Start at 0-0.
Seeded teams are in spots 2 and 4 only.

1-2 3
3-4 5
1-5 4
2-3 1
4-5 2
1-3 4
2-5 3
1-4 2
3-5 1
2-4 5

Format for Juniors – 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points rally score (third set to 15).
All teams advance to playoffs.
Seed all teams 1 through 3.

1-2 2
2-3 1
1-2 3

30 minute lunch


QF1 P2-2nd vs P1-3rd Pool 2-1st
QF2 P1-2nd vs P2-3rd Pool 1-1st
SF1 P1-1st vs WQF1 LQF1
SF2 P2-1st vs WQF2 LQF2
Finals WSF1 vs WSF2 LSF

SIX-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top 2 teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score.
Seeded teams in spots 3 and 6 only.

1-2 3 4-5 6
5-6 4 2-3 1
1-3 2 4-6 5
1-4 3 2-5 6
30 minute Lunch Break
3-5 4 2-6 1
3-4 5 1-6 2
2-4 6 1-5 3
3-6 1

SEVEN-TEAM POOLS (on 2 courts) – ADULT Tournaments only:
Top SIX teams advance to playoffs.
Format for Adults – 2 sets to 25 points rally score
Seed teams 1 through 7.

1-6 4 3-7 5
4-7 1 2-5 3
1-3 7 5-6 2
2-4 3 1-7 6
3-5 4 2-6 7
1-4 5 6-7 2
4-5 1 2-3 6
Category: Tournaments

YES! We have a simpler way to enter our one-day tournaments directly in the Carolina Region Tournament System.  Club Directors will now select their club in a drop-down list.  Once selected, all teams in their club will be shown with check boxes underneath each tournament date that age group is scheduled to compete.  Clubs can enter as many or as few tournaments from this page as they want.  The club director will be sent an invoice in their SE account for the total tournament entry fee due.  Invoices can then be paid with a credit card or a check can be mailed in (but still must be received before the entry deadline).  Clubs should only submit entries for the number of tournaments they are prepared to submit a payment for as we can only approve all the entries associated with an invoice. Clubs should submit these entries well before the earliest entry deadline to provide time for us to manually send the entry fee invoice and for the club to then submit payment.  All entries must be marked paid before a team will show as submitting an entry and be eligible to be assigned to a site.  Our tournament entry information page is here.  The link for Club Directors to enter tournaments directly in the Tournament System is here.

Clubs/Teams may still submit a Tournament Entry Form and check if they prefer.  Clubs may submit as many tournament entries by this method as they wish.  If you do submit multiple tournament entry forms, please only include one check for the total amount of entries due.

Category: Tournaments

The 12’s will use the “lighter” volleyballs during their tournaments (any USAV approved volleyball that is sanctioned for 12 and under age groups can be used). The following serving rules will be in effect in the 12 and under age group (all divisions except where noted differently below): (a) For the first regular season tournament of the sanctioned season, all 12’s divisions will establish service lines 6 feet (2 meters) and 3 feet (1 meter) inside of the normal service line. Players will be allowed the OPTION to serve from the 6 foot line on their first serve during each term of service. If the team wins the point, they must move back to the 3-foot line. If they win that point, they must serve from normal service line for the remainder of that term of service. (b) Beginning with the second tournaments of the sanctioned season and continuing to the end of the regular season, the tournament site that has the top 8 or 12 teams assigned to it (Site 1 in the Tournament System) will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book; all other 12’s sites will play using the modified service lines described above in (a). (c) For all Regional Championship events and National bid tournaments, all 12’s divisions will play using the normal service line in the USAV Rule book.

Category: Tournaments

ADULTS – All teams must play in ONE Carolina Region sanctioned event to be eligible for the Regional Championship tournaments (if it is on our official schedule then it is sanctioned and counts).

JUNIORS – We have two types of Regional Championship Events for Juniors – (a) East-West Championships, and (b) Regional Championships.  All teams must play in THREE Carolina Region Regular season sanctioned events to be eligible for a Regional Championship Event.  At least one of those events must have been a Carolina Region one-day tournament. An event is CR-Sanctioned if it appears on our posted Carolina Region Tournament Schedule.  The other two events may consist of any two of the following if held BEFORE the Regional Championship Event:

  • One or Two Carolina Region one-day tournaments
  • Any two-day Carolina Region sanctioned event whose only criteria is date of entry (examples: Quest tournament, Carolina Kickoff, City of Oaks, Queen City, Locomotive, Carolina Volleyball Classic)
  • Only ONE of the following tournaments: a National Qualifier or any other Carolina Region sanctioned event with a restricted access entry criteria (example: MAPL Raleigh).

If a sanctioned Carolina Region regular season, one-day tournament is cancelled then the teams entered in that tournament will have their requirement to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event reduced by one. If a team withdraws from a tournament due to inclement weather but the tournament is still held, then that team may appeal to the Region to have their minimum requirement lowered by one.

Category: Tournaments

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments


USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

The process of identifying the top teams that qualify for the Regional Championships will be the same as last season.  Regional Championship tournaments will be played on the SAME weekends as the East/West Championships.  We will identify FOUR teams from the East and FOUR teams from the WEST to play for the Regional Championships in each age group.  Of the teams that qualify AND submit an entry for a Regional Championship event, we will use the updated Standings after the final regular season tournament in the applicable age group to identify the top FOUR teams in the East and top FOUR teams in the West.  Those eight teams will be assigned to a central location and will play for the Regional Championships in that age group.  All other teams that enter that particular Regional Championship Event weekend will be assigned to their applicable East/West Championships.

The Format of the Regional Championships will be normal 4-team round robin play.  Top TWO finishers in each pool advance to semi-finals.  Some East/West Championship sites may have 3-team pools or play the 6-team tournament format depending on the total number of eligible entries that are received and total number of courts available.

Tournament Directors can begin to submit requests to host tournaments any time after September 1 for the new season (Tournament Sanction Request Forms can be downloaded from here).  Requests are not necessarily accepted in the order received, but the earlier requests are received the better chance we can assign a tournament to the host (especially if they are flexible on which divisions they can host).

We changed how sites are assigned before the 2014 Season.  We received overwhelming response on the changes and have continued the assigning process outlined below for the current season.

Past feedback has overwhelmingly supported having 4-team pool tournaments as much as possible.  This will give a consistent round-robin tournament play format and shorten the tournament day from other formats that accommodated more teams.  This season, we will continue the process which will allow us to have 4-team pools at most sites, but it will mean that we will not be able to notify teams what site they are playing until after the TWO week entry deadline. We have moved all tournament entry deadlines to TWO weeks.  At the entry deadline, we will cut off late entries (unless we have withdrawals and there is room to make additional tournaments 4-team pool formats).  We will then assign teams that submitted an entry for that weekend to sites in 4-team pool increments using the Standings from the Tournament System.  For example, if the first site has THREE courts, we will assign the top 12 teams that entered that weekend to that tournament.  If the next site has TWO courts, we will assign the next 8 teams by the rankings to that site.  And so on, until all teams that entered that weekend are assigned to sites.  The last site(s) assigned may not have all 4-team pools (it will depend on the total number of teams that enter any given weekend) but the majority of sites will.  Sites that do not have all 4-team pools will use either 3-team pool formats or a modified 5-team round-robin pool format (5-team pool will only be used if only 5 teams remaining to assign to a stand-alone tournament).

It will be critical that teams that want to play a given weekend, enter by the two-week deadline.  Once teams are assigned to sites it will be much more difficult to incorporate late entries (as we will have 4-team pools at all sites).  We thank everyone for their patience while the sites are assigned.  We will also work to continue to move teams around so they are not going to same sites, but since the assignments are now going to be based strictly on the Rankings and some sites request to host their club team(s), it will be impossible to guarantee individual teams won’t be assigned to the same sites from time to time.

For more information on the assigning process, view this document.

Category: Tournaments

YES – We are not able to process tournament entries into the Tournament System until the team information is actually in the system already.  Clubs should now register their teams with the region for the current season BEFORE submitting any tournament entries (see adult or junior schedules for posted deadlines). Teams and individuals just have to be registered with current CR/USAV memberships for a specific tournament at least ONE week before participating (see related question in FAQ). Teams and individuals should also keep in mind that they must play in a minimum number of regular season tournaments to be eligible for Regional Championship Events (see related question in FAQ).  Individual players must play in two (2) tournaments to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship event. Team rosters for all divisions are frozen 7 days before any Regional Championship event.

Category: Tournaments

This answer applies to the Junior Program.  A player must have played in TWO regular season Carolina Region events in order to be eligible to participate in a Regional Championship Event (which includes the East/West Championships and the Regional Championships).  All participants in a Regional Championship Event must be full members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played twice during the regular season would have to upgrade to a full membership in order to participate).

This answer applies to the Adult Program.  A player must have played in ONE regular season Carolina Region tournament in order to be eligible to participate in the Regional Championships.  All participants in Regionals must be FULL (Regular or Collegiate) members of the Carolina Region (so a one-event member that played during the regular season would have to UPGRADE to a full membership in order to participate).

The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline.  The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).

Categories: Juniors, Tournaments

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments
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