Meet the Carolina Region Board of Directors – Jim Ross


Jim Ross has been involved as a volleyball player, coach, or board member since picking the sport up in Graduate School in Greensboro in 1980.  As a player, Ross was co-captain of the Greensboro Black men’s USVBA team.  His team won numerous indoor events throughout the Southeast, and Ross was named to the Men’s Open All Region team in 1985 and named to the North Carolina All-State team on several occasions. While living in Connecticut, Ross played both Outside and Middle Hitter positions for the team that won the Gold medal in the 1989 Nutmeg State Games.

Ross also competed successfully throughout the Southeast in Doubles and Triples tournaments during his playing career.  He also served as the Men’s Player Representative to the Board of Directors for the Carolina Region until 1987 when he moved from the area.

Ross has been coaching junior players since 1981 at both the high school and club levels. He returned to NC in 1996 and has been active with the board of directors since that time, first as the JR Players Representative, and more recently as Secretary to the Board of Directors.  He believes in a philosophy of continuous learning as a coach and player.  He is strongly committed to serving the volleyball community through his involvement with the Region Board.