Officials Program Contacts

OFFICIALS’ REP-Carolina Region Board of Directors (2027):

Tony Hill

129 Carolina Pines Drive

West End, NC  27376

910.639.5408 ((9 am – 5 pm only please)

Appointed Administrative Positions:

Referee Chair:

Contact Ref Chair with all indoor Rules Questions. He is Region Rules Interpreter for Indoor.

Stephen Shepherd

4580 Pine Hall Rd

Walkertown, NC  27051-8444

336.341.9513 (c) (9 am – 5 pm only please)

Scorer Chair:

Amber Fulk

3129 Shady Grove Church Road

East Bend NC 27018-8205

336.462.5987 (cell) (3 pm – 7:00 pm only please)

Ronnie Mutter picture

Beach Referee Chair:

Contact Beach Ref Chair with all outdoor Rules Questions. He is the Region Rules Interpreter for Beach/Outdoor.

Ronnie Mutter

1210 Snapper Lane

Carolina Beach, NC 28428-5515

919.607.4115 (c) (9 am – 5 pm only please)

Mentors – Under 30 Officials:

Female Officials Under 30 Mentor

Male Officials Under 30 Mentor

Leann Madtes Owen Perkins

Carolina Region Staff:

Officials Program Director:
Callie Davis

Contact for all questions about the Carolina Region Officials Program